Special Examinations

Special examinations are reports requested by the General Assembly and typically produced by performance auditors. The reports can cover a single state agency program or broader topics relevant to state decision-makers. Reports may assess program efficiency, whether a program or state goals and objectives are being met or explain complex state operations and impacts without an evaluation.

Who can request a special examination?

Per O.C.G.A. § 50-6-4, the Governor, House Appropriations Committee, and Senate Appropriations Committee each may request special examinations.

Requests are typically submitted to the State Auditor in April.

How can I obtain a completed special examination?

A list of completed special examinations can be found here. Special examinations are categorized as a type of performance audit on our website.

Lisa Kieffer is the director of our performance audit division and is responsible for special examinations. She can be contacted at kiefferl@audits.ga.gov.

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