AUP – Agreed Upon Procedures is a type of engagement in which an auditor performs specific procedures as agreed upon by the client and other specified parties. AUP is an option for local governments with a population of 1,500 or less and expenditures less than $550,000.

Biennial Audit – This type of audit is conducted every two years and is an option for local governments with a population of 1,500 or less and expenditures less than $550,000 for BOTH years covered by the biennial audit.

FYE – Fiscal Year End is the last day of the financial reporting period. It represents the end of a 12-month period used for accounting and financial reporting purposes.

GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles are a set of rules and standards for preparing and presenting financial statements in the United States.

GAGAS – Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards are a set of guidelines and standards issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office for conducting audits of government programs, organizations, and entities.

Local Government – O.C.G.A. §36-81-2 defines a local government as “a municipality, county, consolidated city-county government, or other political subdivision of the state.”

O.C.G.A – Official Code of Georgia Annotated is the authoritative source of statutory laws enacted by the Georgia General Assembly.

Reporting Year – This is the calendar year in which the Fiscal Year End occurs.

State Grant Funds – Grants of state funds made or transmitted by state agencies to local governments. State grant funds do not include grants of other funds such as federal awards that state agencies pass through to local governments.

Statutory Due Date – The date reports are due, which is within 180 days of a local government’s fiscal year end.

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